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What we need.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:34 am
by Le Stud
Gamecubes with network adapters for Double Dash, and of course, the game (Wiis don't support networked Gamecube games even though they have a network card built-in. Thanks Nintendo!). I know Mario Kart Wii came out this year, but drivers still seem to enjoy playing DD more. Plus there is just something wrong when it is easier to hop on with a stranger in Japan for a quick race than it is to play with your friends.

I'm pretty sure Mike and Derek are committed to this already, but if you have access to a projector, bring it!

Projector screens- Now that we are at a different location this year all the white open walls are gone. So we're going to need to think of something to play the projectors on.

We also need people to bring:
Their extra controllers
Extra systems
DS and games (even a PSP if you got it)
Games you want to play
Movies you want to watch
Sleeping bag
What you want to drink and munch on

Oh, and any hubs, routers or switches you have around kicking around. We have three routers but all their ports are pretty much taken. So if you need a wired connection you might want to bring that or at least some Ethernet cables (I have some from last time, but just so your ass is covered). Derek had Time Warner bump our internet to as fast as they offered for our neighborhood, so hopefully that will be enough (but I doubt it).

Here’s a hint, try to label your controllers and gear this year so we don’t have a ton of random stuff getting mixed up or lost. If anyone has one of those Brother labelers (some of you IT guys must!), then bring it and be awesome.

Well we have all the current gen systems so there won't be a need for any of your B.S. pity gifts this year. F off with that!

On tap:
Xbox 360
Gamecube with network adapter
Atari 2600

Street Fighter versions I have (because I know this will come up again):
Street Fighter 2 (SNES- but only one working controller)
Alpha 3 (PS1)
Ex plus Alpha (PS1)
Capcom vs. SNK 2 (PS2)
Anniversary Collection (PS2- which has Hyper Street Fighter II and Street Fighter III)
…and of course, Street Fighter IV will be there (for the 360 and maybe the PS3).

Now time to step up.

What do I mean by that? Well let's see, Ryan's flying down from Seattle for this. How's that for a start? Also, as some of you might have heard, Justin offered up his Newport Beach vacation house for the weekend ($3K value!) and even went out and bought a new TV and stereo for it. The thing is, his place is just too nice, so we're still having it in Hollywood.

So just try to contribute in some way... bring something fun to show off or play. But remember, Nerd Weekend isn’t about buying stuff, it’s about hanging out! The most important thing you can do is show up.

Greg has already offered to bring a few of his arcade sticks over and his import copy of Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

Re: What we need.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:02 am
by jAsian
Things I can bring if needed:

32" tv
projection screen
rock band 1 ps3
guitar hero: wt (GH:WT guitar edition) RB guitar and drums work with game
Sega Saturn (ya i know right?)
snes (i'll bring an extra controller)
nes (for whatever)
my fine sweet ass
I MIGHT have an extra router somewhere. but I'll have to double check.
can't think of anything off the top of my head right now

Re: What we need.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:21 pm
by gregbuczek
I'll definitely be bringing TvC up with at two Wii arcade sticks (one high-end, one low-end). It is not a game too many folks will be familiar with but It is pretty fun and unique. My Wii also has some classic fighters on it which will be there for anybody wanting old school fun.

We should definitely have Street Fighter HD Remix setup. In many ways, it is as good or better than SFIV. If you guys don't have it, I'll at least bring my Memory Unit so we can download it.

I'm thinking I'll bring House of the Dead Overkill up because it is so ridiculously profane, and it might be kinda fun in a party atmosphere.

Movie-wise, I don't have anything cheese but I'll bring up my new HD Ashes of Time...ninety minutes of Bliss.

PS3-wise, I'll bring up Motorstorm 2, which is nice and arcadey and gorgeous and fun (doubt many played it), as well as Soul Caliber IV. Killzone 2 as well in case anybody wants to set up multiple TVs for multi.

I'll also be bringing some beer, a case or two. I haven't drunk in months but I'll do so at the party and there should be some extra.

For Hardware, as jesse pointed out, I've got a ton of high-end sticks. To be safe, I'll bring up two each for the 360 and PS3. I'm sure plenty of other folks will be bringing there sticks.

Do we have enough systems? I remember last year we had way more than we needed. I'd rather leave mine at home but if they are needed they are available.

Re: What we need.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:54 am
by JMarcus
So, I've got a network'd GameCube I'll bring up and I'll try to borrow the projector from the company. I think last year Ryan and Mike broke it, so I'm not sure if they'll let me take it.

Re: What we need.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:08 am
by C0|†E®
I have-

A Modded HD installed PS2
Turbo Express
Atari LYNX (which does NOT work, anyone soldier?)
Facility 4

Re: What we need.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:42 pm
by gregbuczek

I picked up a case of beer (24-pack of Pyramid varieties) at Costco today. I'll only be drinking 6-8 of them so there should be some extras "for the house."

Also, I'm definitely coming up Friday through Saturday morning. Not sure about Saturday night yet because to get to graveyards off in a row might prove a little difficult.

Let me know if you need Ice for Friday. I can buy a cheap disposable trash bucket at work and fill it up with free ice.


Re: What we need.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:17 am
by Le Stud
For Colter and his stick, I guess I would shoot for an adapter for the 360 or PS3, and if that doesn't pan out, the PS2. I think it is pretty cheesy that X-Arcade makes you buy a separate USB adapter for the 360, PS3 and PC/Mac when they should all just support the one USB plug. Lame.

Greg, you're right, last year we did have a bunch of extra systems that really didn't get put to good use. I'll just leave it up to everybody and what they want to do. Say if you want to get some Halo LAN games going then you better bring your 360 and a copy of whatever version of Halo you want to play (I have all three), and on from there. I know that unplugging all your gear and hauling it over can be a big hassle so I'll just leave it up to you guys.

I was going to get a bunch of ice, but it might just be easier for me to go down the street and pick it up than for you to haul it up from Orange County.

Re: What we need.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:17 pm
by jAsian
I can bring my PS3 and 1 arcade stick. My copy of SFIV was backordered so I don't have it. If anyone has it for PS3 and doesn't want to bring their PS3 I can bring mine. I guess Greg has it for both systems so if you can just bring one of your 200 sticks and the game, I can bring my system. However, I don't have ALL the characters locked. I need 3 more. Just let me know

Re: What we need.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:11 pm
by gregbuczek

I'll bring up the PS3 version of the game. I reckon everyone has it for the 360 already so there should be plenty of those versions.


Re: What we need.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:57 pm
by jAsian
sweet! i've been wasting money renting it. if I get it before nerd weekend i'll let you know so you have less stuff to carry. you have a ps3 arcade stick?